Sue Williams
Colors And Shapes Inspire Me...
Mystery in a painting intrigues me, and I seek to express it. In my efforts I am analytical about my process. I think of my project ahead of time, work out the logistics and then create. I try to draw the viewer in to my work by creating an impact area using value and color to develop expression and mood. In the finished product I aim to have my viewer wonder, ask themselves what is happening here and then think about why.
Amidst this mystery there is a constant element of color. Clear, warm, soothing color draws me in. Purples ranging from deep and prominent to a wisp of pastel follow me from painting to painting. These warm inviting colors, in combination with the strength of the subject matter, help me present the wordless feelings I have within. It is my way of saying;
“The world is a wondrous place.”
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